Data Set Description for Chapter 11: WhoGov
Data Exercise Contributor: Jens Wäckerle
The Who Governs (WhoGov) dataset is a comprehensive dataset of members of government from all countries in the world that have a population of more than 400,000. The dataset covers the years 1966 to 2016 and contains more than 50,000 cabinet members. This dataset was collected by Jacob Nyrup and Stuart Bramwell at Aarhus University and the University of Oxford.
The dataset can be accessed here. We will present the dataset below. While reading, please keep in mind the questions you see below and answer them once you reached the end. In the end, we will provide a link to a platform with an interactive version of the dataset and additional tasks.
Tasks |
Which ministries have women held primarily around the world? |
Are women more likely to hold high or low-profile offices? Evaluate how this changes over time, drawing on examples from Germany. |
Dataset Description
The WhoGov dataset exists in two forms: either as cross-sectional (by government), or as a long format with one row per member of government.
Cross-Sectional Data
The cross-sectional dataset has one row per year for each country in the dataset. Data is collected in July, so each row is a snapshot of the government composition for that country in the middle of the respective year. Table 2 shows some of the variables in the dataset. Besides the year and country name, we find the name of the head of government. Additionally, it lists the party of the government leader. Finally, we show two more variables: The share of women among cabinet members and the overall number of cabinet members. As chapter 7 in the book discusses in more detail, the share of women in cabinet positions has risen in recent years.
year | country_name | leader | leader_party | n_female_total | n_individuals |
2018 | Sweden | Stefan Lofven | s | 13 | 27 |
2018 | United Kingdom | Theresa Mary May | con | 12 | 33 |
2018 | Norway | Erna Solberg | h | 9 | 24 |
2018 | Latvia | Maris Kucinskis | zzs | 3 | 18 |
2018 | Estonia | Juri Ratas | ek | 5 | 19 |
2018 | Australia | Malcolm Bligh Turnbull | lpa | 6 | 29 |
2018 | Denmark | Lars Loekke Rasmussen | v | 11 | 26 |
2018 | Luxembourg | Xavier Bettel | dp | 4 | 19 |
2018 | Belgium | Charles Yvon Michel | mr | 3 | 18 |
2018 | Cyprus | Nikos Anastasiadis | disy | 3 | 15 |
The dataset provides additional information on the governments: n_party shows the number of parties, while govern_name is the name of the government as per the ParlGov database described in chapter 6 and 10. govern_start_date and govern_end_date are also taken from ParlGov and system_category is a classification of regime type. The most common regime types in the dataset are civilian dictatorship, military dictatorship, parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy.
year | country_name | n_party | govern_name | govern_start_date | govern_end_date | system_category |
2018 | Sweden | 2 | Lofven | 2014-10-02 | 2018-09-09 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | United Kingdom | 1 | May II | 2017-06-11 | 2019-07-24 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Norway | 3 | Solberg III | 2018-01-17 | 2019-01-21 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Latvia | 3 | Kucinskis | 2016-02-11 | 2019-01-23 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Estonia | 3 | Ratas | 2016-11-20 | 2019-04-29 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Australia | 4 | Turnbull II | 2016-07-19 | 2018-08-24 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Denmark | 3 | Rasmussen L III | 2016-11-28 | 2019-06-27 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Luxembourg | 3 | Bettel | 2013-12-04 | 2018-12-05 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Belgium | 4 | Michel | 2014-10-11 | 2018-12-09 | Parliamentary democracy |
2018 | Cyprus | 1 | Anastasiades III | 2016-05-22 | 2018-02-13 | Presidential democracy |
Table 4 shows some variables that are calculated on the basis of the dataset: average_total is the average tenure of government members in years, while retention_rateadj_total is the share of government members that were retained from the previous year. Finally, age_total shows the average age of cabinet members.
year | govern_name | average_total | retention_rateadj_total | age_total |
2018 | Lofven | 6.000000 | 0.8571429 | 53.32143 |
2018 | May II | 4.531250 | 0.7931034 | 53.02941 |
2018 | Solberg III | 4.304348 | 0.7083333 | 50.83333 |
2018 | Kucinskis | 6.352941 | 1.0000000 | 51.78947 |
2018 | Ratas | 4.388889 | 0.9473684 | 49.47368 |
2018 | Turnbull II | 4.464286 | 0.7812500 | 51.16216 |
2018 | Rasmussen L III | 6.160000 | 0.8846154 | 51.11538 |
2018 | Bettel | 6.944444 | 0.9473684 | 53.37500 |
2018 | Michel | 4.352941 | 0.8333333 | 55.68182 |
2018 | Anastasiades III | 3.214286 | 0.6666667 | 54.15385 |
The dataset also includes the names of the ministers in some of the ministries: finance, agriculture, defense and foreign affairs. These cabinet members are shown in Table 5.
year | country_name | m_finance | m_agriculture | m_defense | m_foreignaffairs |
2018 | Sweden | Magdalena Andersson | Sven-Erik Bucht | Peter Hultqvist | Margot Wallstrom |
2018 | United Kingdom | Philip Hammond | Michael Gove | Gavin Williamson | Boris Johnson |
2018 | Norway | Siv Jensen | Jon Georg Dale | Frank Bakke-Jensen | Ine Marie Eriksen Soreide |
2018 | Latvia | Dana Reizniece-Ozola | Janis Duklavs | Raimonds Bergmanis | Edgars Rinkevics |
2018 | Estonia | Toomas Toniste | Na | Juri Luik | Sven Mikser |
2018 | Australia | Scott John Morrison | David Littleproud | Marise Ann Payne | Julie Isabel Bishop |
2018 | Denmark | Kristian Jensen | Jakob Ellemann-Jensen | Claus Hjort Frederiksen | Anders Samuelsen |
2018 | Luxembourg | Pierre Gramegna | Fernand Etgen | Etienne Schneider | Jean Asselborn |
2018 | Belgium | Johan Van Overtveldt | Denis Ducarme | Steven Vandeput | Didier Reynders |
2018 | Cyprus | Charis Georgiadis | Kostas Kadis | Savvas Angelidis | Nikos Christodoulidis |
Within-country Data
In the within-country dataset, each cabinet member has one row for each year. That means that every member of the German government in July 2018 has one row, as shown in Table 6. If some of these members were already in cabinet in July 2017, they will be in the government again for that year. For each member, Table 6 show some basic demographic information: position, name, gender, birthyear and party.
year | country_name | position | name | gender | birthyear | party |
2018 | Germany | Fed. President | Frank-Walter Steinmeier | Male | 1956 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Chancellor | Angela Merkel | Female | 1954 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Vice Chancellor | Olaf Scholz | Male | 1958 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Defense | Ursula Von Der Leyen | Female | 1958 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Economic Cooperation & Development | Gerd Mueller | Male | 1955 | csu |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Economics & Energy | Peter Altmaier | Male | 1958 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Education & Research | Anja Karliczek | Female | 1971 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Min. For The Environment, Nature Conservation & Reactor Security | Svenja Schulze | Female | 1968 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Family, Seniors, Women & Youth | Franziska Giffey | Female | 1978 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Finance | Olaf Scholz | Male | 1958 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Food & Agriculture | Julia Kloeckner | Female | 1972 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Foreign Affairs | Heiko Maas | Male | 1966 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Health | Jens Spahn | Male | 1980 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Interior, Building & Homeland | Horst Seehofer | Male | 1949 | csu |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Justice & Consumer Protection | Katarina Barley | Female | 1968 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Labor & Social Affairs | Hubertus Heil | Male | 1972 | spd |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Transportation & Digital Infrastructure | Andreas Scheuer | Male | 1974 | csu |
2018 | Germany | Chancellery Chief | Helge Braun | Male | 1972 | cdu |
2018 | Germany | President, Bundesbank | Jens Weidmann | Male | 1968 | NA |
2018 | Germany | Ambassador To The Us | Emily Haber | Female | 1956 | NA |
2018 | Germany | Permanent Representative To The Un, New York | Christoph Heusgen | Male | 1955 | NA |
The dataset also provides more information on the positions of each cabinet member: the name of the position, the classification, portfolio and prestige of the portfolio (low, medium, high), ash shown in Table 7. How positions are categorised into portfolio and prestige can be researched on the WhoGov website.
year | country_name | position | name | classification | portfolio_1 | prestige_1 |
2018 | Germany | Fed. President | Frank-Walter Steinmeier | President | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | Chancellor | Angela Merkel | Chief of State | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | Vice Chancellor | Olaf Scholz | Deputy Chief of State | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Defense | Ursula Von Der Leyen | Minister (Full Rank) | Defense, Military & National Security | High |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Economic Cooperation & Development | Gerd Mueller | Minister (Full Rank) | Foreign Economic Relations | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Economics & Energy | Peter Altmaier | Minister (Full Rank) | Energy | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Education & Research | Anja Karliczek | Minister (Full Rank) | Education, Training & Skills | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For The Environment, Nature Conservation & Reactor Security | Svenja Schulze | Minister (Full Rank) | Environment | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Family, Seniors, Women & Youth | Franziska Giffey | Minister (Full Rank) | Children & Family | Low |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Finance | Olaf Scholz | Minister (Full Rank) | Finance, Budget & Treasury | High |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Food & Agriculture | Julia Kloeckner | Minister (Full Rank) | Agriculture, Food, Fisheries & Livestock | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Foreign Affairs | Heiko Maas | Minister (Full Rank) | Foreign Relations | High |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Health | Jens Spahn | Minister (Full Rank) | Health & Social Welfare | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Interior, Building & Homeland | Horst Seehofer | Minister (Full Rank) | Government, Interior & Home Affairs | High |
2018 | Germany | Min. Of Justice & Consumer Protection | Katarina Barley | Minister (Full Rank) | General Economic Affairs | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Labor & Social Affairs | Hubertus Heil | Minister (Full Rank) | Labor, Employment & Social Security | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Min. For Transportation & Digital Infrastructure | Andreas Scheuer | Minister (Full Rank) | Transport | Medium |
2018 | Germany | Chancellery Chief | Helge Braun | Other | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | President, Bundesbank | Jens Weidmann | Governor (Central Bank) | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | Ambassador To The Us | Emily Haber | Ambassador to the United States | NA | NA |
2018 | Germany | Permanent Representative To The Un, New York | Christoph Heusgen | Representative to the United Nations | NA | NA |
Figure 1 shows an analysis of the kind of offices that women have held around the world. Prestige level is assigned to portfolios held by politicians in the dataset. The figure shows that around 25% of male cabinet members are assigned to high prestige portfolios, while women are assigned only to 12% and more often to low profile ones instead. More information can be found on the WhoGov website.
Figure 1: Prestige of Offices of Female Cabinet Ministers
Figure 2 shows the portfolios that women are the most responsible for across the world in the complete dataset.
Figure 2: Female Cabinet Ministers
Interactive Activity
Here, you will find an interactive version of the WhoGov dataset and several questions to answer and discuss. We suggest you open this app on a laptop or tablet. Enjoy!